Music and Food from 5pm as planned
A Rounders Competition on the Village Green, Designed to be inclusive, family friendly and fun, followed by live music and a chance to enjoy out village green.

There will be a maximum of Six Teams (9 players in a team with a maximum of 5 males) in a round robin format, with a prize pool of £200 to be donated to the wining teams charity of choice. Entry fee of £25 per team, all players need to be "Robust" teenagers or older.
If we can get some help to run / organise we will run a parallel event for younger children, if you would like to help with that please get in touch. Contact Us
You can enter a team , join one of the existing teams or volunteer to help on the day by registering here, click the Register button on the left to get started.
On the day there will be BBQ and Refreshments available but we encourage you to pack a picnic, some sun screen and enjoy the day ( It will be glorious sunshine all day). Well behaved dogs on leads are always welcome.
Outdoor Party from 5pm
After the rounders, we have arranged for Steve Carroll, a well-known local Irish singer and musician to play live at a free party on the Village Green. We welcome everyone to join the party and especially keen to see those who are new to the village.
Do come along with your rugs, chairs, tables, candelabras and either bring a pic-nic or take advantage of the bar-b-q food (until 7pm) and bar (until we finish). Steve will play from 5:30 until 8pm. If you have new neighbours, please encourage them to join in - all ages welcome!
We are keen to run a separate competition for younger people if you would like to help with that please get in touch.
If you have any questions please get in touch - Contact Us
Thank You